Sunday 7 December 2008

24 season 7

Jack Bauer - Finally my much awaited 24 series is back in season 7. and with a new twist, Due to the delay of season 7 a prequel was made titled "24 Redemption" and I guess it is only a dvd release movie. In the movie Jack Bauer is on the run from a subpeona charges from the united states of America due to his actions in stopping terrorist attacks and is finding refuge in some refugee school in a country in south africa which is in a brink of a coup-de-etat. The present scenario also stated the inauguration of the new president and for the first time its a woman and behind her are lots of conspiracies involving men in the government and under her watch. And one emminent act is the funding of a terrorist organization in the south African country namend Sangala where Jack is. While others are risking lives these US government traitors treat it as business because in fact the war escalated because of the rich diamond fields in Sangala.

Season 7 Started on January with new characters in place, a new concept, no CTU this time as it was disbanded. with returning casts from previous season. I have enjoyed all the past 6 episodes I'm sure I will enjoy Season 7 too.